The Best Food for Your Cat is…

Alright, for starters, that was a clickbait title, and I’m not going to tell you what you should or should not feed your cat. Instead, I’m just going to tell you about

If you’re anything like me you’re probably aware of how incredibly difficult it can be to find information about cat food and that often means hours and hours of scouring the web trying to find what should be a simple answer. Sometimes you get lucky and stumble upon the one person who has the one list with the one answer you need. But, more often than not, you’re on your own.

Well, I think that’s a stupid amount of effort to ask anyone to go through, and in my frustration the idea for Pet Food List was born.

What it is

Pet Food List is exactly what the name says – a list of pet foods and treats, and everything we know about them. I decided to let the dog people in on this project, so it’s not just cat foods.

What it is not

Pet Food List is not a site that’s trying to recommend for or against any particular food or brand. It’s not a site that’s trying to sell you a particular food or brand. It’s not a site to tell you what to feed your cat for a particular health condition.

How to use it

Using Pet Food List is intended to be simple. Search for foods in your country, sort them based on whatever you care about most, check out the details of the food. Most foods also contain links to retailers so you can easily follow and purchase the food if you want to. Some links are affiliate links meaning I might make a little money if you follow them. Other links are not affiliate links and I do not make any money in exchange for providing them.


View Results and Sort

To sort the foods on this screen, just click the column header for what you want to sort on. If the double white arrows turn to a single yellow-orange arrow pointing up you’re sorting low-to-high (see Phosphorus % in the example image below). If that single arrow points down you’re sorting high-to-low.

This view is a limited selection of the information we have about the food. This list view page will change depending on what type of device you’re using to access the site.

Here’s what the list view looks like if you’re on a desktop or laptop computer, or a tablet with a large screen:

Here’s what you would see if you were accessing the site using a mobile device:

When you click the sort button you’ll see an entirely new menu pop up with your sort options:

View Details

The detail page has everything we know about the food. This page is my favorite because from here you can add more information about this food, report a problem with the food, or verify that the information we’ve published is accurate.

IMPORTANT NOTE: At this time I’m not able to display images in Pet Food List, so I can’t give pictures of the products. But some manufacturers have products with incredibly similar-sounding names which could make it confusing to find the correct item in stores (assuming you don’t follow any of the provided links for purchases). Every food in this site will have a direct link back to the manufacturer’s website for that individual product. Follow that Manufacturer link in the Where To Buy section to see pictures of product packaging.

Adding, Updating, or Verifying Foods

The real magic behind Pet Food List is that it’s a crowd-sourced information project. So, if there’s a food you know about that isn’t listed, you have the power to add it to the website. You don’t need to know everything about the food to add it, just provide whatever information you do have and let others fill in the gaps.

See something that’s wrong? You can give updated information, or report the problem.

The more people who are involved in expanding the list the better and more useful it will be.