
Asthma in cats is generally caused by an allergic reaction to an inhaled allergen which stimulate the immune system. Common allergens are things like pollen, dust, and chemicals. When a cat inhales something they’re allergic to they have an immediate immune response that often ends in a classic asthma attack, including difficulty breathing and airway constriction.

What an Asthma Attack Looks Like

Here are a few different examples of what an asthma attack in cats looks like.

Disease Information Sites

Feline Asthma, Winn Feline Foundation, and International Cat Care all have a lot of great information about asthma in cats.

Other Information

Asthma and Allergy Management has a lot of tips on how to reduce the environmental triggers in your home that can cause asthma attacks or allergy symptoms.

Support Groups

Feline Asthma is the support group associated with the Feline Asthma website., an email-based group service, has a few different groups related to feline asthma, all of which appear to be quite active: